Monday, January 7, 2008

Of Elizabeth Shanti Bradburn and her newfound obsession with knitting

I think the tendency to get a little out of control with hobbies runs in my family. When my dad finds something he enjoys, he jumps enthusiastically into it headfirst. For example, he spent a considerable amount of time, effort and money to pursue his hobby of ham radio operating. The same was true for Lord of the Rings trading card games...and canoeing...and hunting...and fishing...and various others.

For me, it has been knitting.

I know, I may be thinking "Knitting! But that's something old ladies do, sitting around and gossiping! What's the 19 year old whipper-snapper doing knitting?"

I'll have you know that knitting has become quite the thing to do nowadays. Visit sites like and and you will see countless examples of how knitting has become trendy and rad. Even embroidery is hip at "Sublime Stitchery - this ain't your grandma's embroidery!"

Proof that this hobby has turned into obsession: I finished a web page for my cousin (, and upon receiving the money proceeded to spend all of it on knitting books, needles, and beautiful yarn.

Knitting is incredibly therapeutic, and I plan to do as much of it as possible in this last and busiest semester of my time at Wake Tech :)
